Pre and Post Tests

The pre-test should be given on day 1 of the unit to assess prior knowledge of language arts, rhetorical, and thematic concepts. The test should be re-administered on the last day of the unit to measure students’ cognitive and affective progress.


Cognitive (2 points each)

Literary and Rhetorical Terms

1. Type of speech that is informal and conversational.
A. Rhetorical B. Colloquial C. Jargon D. Nonfiction ____

2. Type of language used by specific groups or professions.
A. Rhetorical B. Colloquial C. Jargon D. Nonfiction ____

Affective (5 points each)

1. What is the meaning of the term, “the Arts”?
2. Describe some type of art that you enjoy. Why do you enjoy it?